Análisis bibliométrico del Sector no Lucrativo
The growing interest in the nonprofit sector, and the organizations that set it up, makes it essential to analyze the state in which this thematic area is located, what evolution it has had, what issues it addresses and what are the possible future lines of research that may justify later studies. This study is based on bibliometric to evaluate performance and productivity, and by extracting data we classify the most outstanding research topics in the area of study of the Non-Profit Sector. The objective of this study is to obtain a better view of the current situation and possible more powerful lines of research within the area. Analysing the period from 1946 to 2018, we can corroborate the growing interest of this subject within the scientific field, establishing as a motor theme or with greater impact in the area, the study of non-profit organizations and within that topic study the variables that set up this area such as Administration, Efficiency, Governance, Accounting and Corporate Governance.
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