Tiresias in the Rule of Law: the Hooper Era. Return to Brideshead, until human voices wake us up

Keywords: Rule of Law, Social Estate, Democracy, Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited


Evelyn Waugh’s novel Brideshead Revisited, published in 1945, includes the institutional transformation of United Kingdom from an imperial conception to the build of a contemporary social State, with Charles Ryder and his assistant Hooper as the symbol of a new democratic political culture: the culture of social rights.


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How to Cite
San Miguel Pérez, E. (2020). Tiresias in the Rule of Law: the Hooper Era. Return to Brideshead, until human voices wake us up . IHERING. CUADERNOS DE CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y SOCIALES, (3), 165-182.