We publish the number 39 of Cuadernos de Investigación Histórica


We publish the new number 39, in its electronic version, with totally open and free access. You can consult the content of the new issue on the journal's website.

C.I.H. has recently entered SCOPUS. Its recent entry into SCOPUS makes it possible to meet the strategic objectives of international visibility of the journal and allows authors who have published in Cuadernos de Investigación Histórica to benefit from the evaluation of their research activity by the institutions for which they work and by accrediting agencies.

C.I.H. it is currently under evaluation for inclusion in the Clarivate Web of Science. We hope to have a positive evaluation to be part of the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). In this way we will achieve maximum international recognition for the journal, ensuring that the journal meets all the quality criteria required of a journal of scientific rank.

C.I.H. It is indexed in: Scopus, Periodicals Index Online, DOAJ, Historical Abstracts, MLA - Modern Language Association Database, DIALNET and evaluated in CARHUS Plus+ 2018, LATINDEX. Catalog v2.0 (2018 - ), Directory of Open Access Journals, ERIHPlus and REDIB. Ibero-American Network of Innovation and scientific knowledge.

It has just obtained the positive evaluation in REDALYC and will soon be indexed.


We must continue to improve, which is why «C.I.H» encourages authors and the scientific community to promote and disseminate the works in their final version as much as possible, through:

1) Your contact list (mails) and social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…).
2) Institutional repository of your University and public repositories (Mendeley, Cosis...).
3) Scientific social networks (ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Kudos...).
4) Personal or institutional website, blog, etc.
5) Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearchID, ScopusID, Dimensions, PlumX...
6) Printed copies purchased directly and sent to specialists for reading and subsequent citation if appropriate.


The journal in its electronic version (e-issn: 2660-6070) is completely free.

If you wish to purchase the printed version (issn: 0214-0284) you can do so through our online catalog of publications or by going to our publications service (C/Alcalá 93// Tlf. 91.431.11.22)