Cuadernos de Investigación Histórica arises from the "Cisneros" History Seminar of the Fundación Universitaria Española. It has an annual periodicity and its objective is the research, study and dissemination of various themes of Universal History and the History of Spain. The usual language of expression is Spanish, and it is aimed mainly at researchers of spanish history.
C.I.H. maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all published works are unpublished, through the professional application CrossCheck, allowing to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts. This anti-plagiarism policy allows us to guarantee standards of originality in this journal with a great international impact, in order to guarantee the novel and impressive scientific production. Authors and reviewers also have a set of specific tools in the detection of plagiarism: Grammarly, Plagium, Copionic, WriteCheck, PaperRater,, Viper, Plagarism... free access or licensed platforms that monitor originality and control plagiarism