Keywords: Eugenia de Montijo, Duquesa de Alba, L´HÔTEL LAURISTON


A few days after hearing the news about the fire that in 1903 devastated the old recreational village that Empress Eugenia owned in Biarritz, her sadness at the disappearance of what was one of the most emblematic buildings of her reign. As she herself indicated, prior to the fire in the town of Biarritz, the palaces of the Tuileries and Saint-Cloud had succumbed to the flames - despite the fact that two such significant palaces of the reign of the last Bonaparte as those of Fontainebleau and Compiègne remain intact to this day. The empress of a third missing building was forgotten, the one known as the hôtel d ’Albe -Hotel de Alba in Spanish-, acquired by herself with the intention of using it for her family's stays in the French capital.


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Pauline METTERNICH, My Years in Paris, Londres: Eveleigh Nash & Grayson, 1922.

Sydney W. JACKMAN y Hella HAASSE, A Stranger in The Hague: Duke University Press, 1989.

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Pedro A. DE ALARCÓN, De Madrid a Nápoles, Madrid. Imprenta y librería de Gaspar, 1878.

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How to Cite
Espejo Fernández, A. (2020). L´HÔTEL LAURISTON: A RESIDENCE IN PARIS FOR THE DUCHESS OF ALBA . CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN HISTÓRICA, (37), 293-310. https://doi.org/10.51743/cih.100