Confusion in the dismembered Hispanic World and its intellectual solutions
Today the Hispanic World is dismembered and full of confusion, serious consequences of the falsification of its history. According to Julián Marías, our problems are of an intellectual kind. The Hispanic American countries and Spain itself live in such a dimension of historical error with respect to themselves that it is the greatest obstacle to achieving their stability, their prosperity, and their unity. The solutions are also intellectual, derived from historical research. This article shows the historical role of the Spanish Crown as protector of the Indians in that grafted society beyond the ocean. The historical truth shows that the independence movements were not indigenous, but were led by the Creoles, descendants of the “encomenderos”, while the Indians preferred to remain part, under the Crown, of the Spanish Monarchy, a community of peoples also called the “Hispanic Monarchy”, the “Catholic Monarchy” or the “Spains”.
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