Duque Silva, Guillermo Andrés. (2019). In the absence of the enemy: The concept of the political in the 21st century and the opening to the dichotomy friend - no friend from the work of Carl Schmitt

  • Cristina del Prado Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Carl Schmitt


The Fundación Universitaria Española  has had the honor of publishing the Doctoral Thesis of the researcher and professor Guillermo Andrés Duque Silva within its Cum Laude Doctoral Thesis collection. The book that the reader has in his hands today In the absence of the enemy: The concept of the political in the 21st century and the opening to the dichotomy friend - no friend from the work of Carl Schmitt is a pertinent and necessary work, a reference for all those people who want to continue delving into the work of the great German jurist.
The book arises from the concern generated in contemporary political philosophy by what its author, Guillermo Duque, calls "the return of Carl Schmitt". In the last two decades, Carl Schmitt's concepts of politics and the state of exception have gained special interest and have given rise to an abundant bibliography; from unsuspected places on the theoretical and ideological spectrum.


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Duque Silva, G.A. (2019). En ausencia del enemigo: El concepto de lo político en el siglo XXI y la apertura a la dicotomía amigo – no amigo a partir de la obra de Carl Schmitt. Fundación Universitaria Española

How to Cite
del Prado, C. (2022). Duque Silva, Guillermo Andrés. (2019). In the absence of the enemy: The concept of the political in the 21st century and the opening to the dichotomy friend - no friend from the work of Carl Schmitt. CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN HISTÓRICA, (39), 243-252. Retrieved from https://revistas.fuesp.com/cih/article/view/309