Migrations, Rights and Interculturality in the Medieval South

  • Antonio Macchione Università della Calabria


The Mezzogiorno was a laboratory of cultures stigmatized by ethnic diversity and by a plurality of norms (Byzantine and Longobard), local customs and uses which converged in the Assizes of Ariano and in the Constitutions of Frederick II. Favoring, through the process of regulatory consolidation and the legislative unification of the kingdom, the transformation of mental frameworks and the formation of a hybrid identity model, typical of a borderland, which marked its Mediterranean vocation and its projection towards Europe.


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How to Cite
Macchione, A. (2023). Migrations, Rights and Interculturality in the Medieval South. CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN HISTÓRICA, (40), 179-200. https://doi.org/10.51743/cih.383