The Oldest Origins of our Spanish Monarchy. Myth, Legend and Reality

  • Luis A. García Moreno Real Academia de la Historia
Keywords: Monarchy, Institutions, Constitution, Myth


In this article we address the origin of the Spanish monarchy. Thus, the monarchy that had fostered the successes of Pelayo and the first Asturian princes had much more of an autochthonous and frank imitation than of authentic continuity, and still less of a Gothic restoration. That would be a matter of later on in the ideological field, although of enormous strength as it became the authentic “myth-engine” of the ethnic group, later the Hispanic nation.


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How to Cite
García Moreno, L. A. (2023). The Oldest Origins of our Spanish Monarchy. Myth, Legend and Reality. CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN HISTÓRICA, (40), 59-81.