The Rhizomatic Model in The Complexity of Immigration Management and Its Integration Process: Case Study Of Asylum Seekers Residing in Madrid (2022-2023)


Currently, the European Union is experiencing the largest influx of asylum seekers from the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. In the case of Spain, currently, asylum applications have multiplied by 45 since 2012. The main nationalities that arrive seeking refuge come from Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba and Peru. Faced with this situation, State administrations at all levels and other organizations see the urgency of effectively managing the integration of this population group that arrives looking for better opportunities. This article is a proposal for the management of the integration of immigrants seeking protection who arrive in Spain, on the one hand, based on a multidimensional integration model that is proposed in terms of public policies; and, on the other hand, from the theoretical basis of the rhizomatic model, which supports the proposal of our integration model. The methodology implemented is based on qualitative and quantitative research techniques, based on techniques such as documentary review, interviews, focus groups, surveys and the subsequent analysis of the data obtained. The result of the research consists of understanding the management of immigration and its integration as a complex social phenomenon, which must be managed according to a multidimensional integration model based on a flexible hierarchy that allows addressing primary needs according to the individual situation in that the immigrant is found


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How to Cite
Pérez Bolaños, D. M. (2023). The Rhizomatic Model in The Complexity of Immigration Management and Its Integration Process: Case Study Of Asylum Seekers Residing in Madrid (2022-2023). CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN HISTÓRICA, (40), 141-159.