The figure and work of Santo Tomás de Villanueva is located in the heart of the Spanish Golden Age. The 16th century meant a great ecclesial renewal, which coincided with a great political, economic and social splendor of our country. The roots of the Christian renewal that took place at that time must be found in the current that takes place within the Catholic Church itself, long before 1517, the date on which the Lutheran split took place. In this study corresponding to Santo Tomás de Villanueva and his contribution to the reform of the Church of the 16th century, we encrypt and classify this in several sections. The first presents the figure of the ideal man designed by the spirituality of the 16th century; the second section, centered on the figure and work of our saint, we subdivide as follows: Alcalá and the mark that his university produced in the formation of the young Tomás García Martínez; his performance as an Augustinian religious and as Archbishop of Valencia; with the exposition of some aspects of his spirituality that contributed to the ecclesial renewal of his time. Finally, the third section is dedicated to presenting the beneficial influence that the saint produced throughout the 16th century and later centuries. There are many works throughout the world that testify and perpetuate the apostolic ministry of Santo Tomás de Villanueva. The Spanish Episcopal Conference, which has officially asked the Holy See to declare the saint, Doctor of the Church, has placed in the Chapel of the Apostolic Succession, of the same Headquarters of the Episcopal Conference, among the twelve canonized bishops, in a beautiful mosaic, to Santo Tomás de Villanueva.
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