The First Tour of the World, the greatest seafaring feat in history, wich is now 500 years old, had a gestation that goes back to the Columbus project to reach the Far East by sailing in the opposite direction and taking advantage of the already planned old sphericity of the Earth, even if it failed to establish its correct dimensions. Insisting on that idea after the accidental discovery of America, especially after new discoveries such as that of Vasco Núñez de Balboa, they undertook the task of crossing the new and more extensive ocean. The project of Magallanes was even more precise and limited: to arrive at the islands of the spices by another way of initiated by Portugal, which provoked the animosity of the neighboring kingdom that had begun its explorations by a more traditional route, contouring Africa and arriving at the Indian Ocean and the Far East. Magellan died before reaching its goal, the decision of the circumnavigation of the planet was Elcano's decision. And the crucial "tornaviaje" fruit of the contribution of Urdaneta.
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