Valor y comportamiento del empresario cristiano

  • José Ignacio Sanz Cerezuela
Keywords: Christian entrepreneur, ethics, communist system, capitalist system, growth, Christian role, state intervention, risk, benefit, individual effort, purchasing power, welfare


The Christian entrepreneur is a fundamental link in the chain of economic and social development. Its limits, in addition to the legal ones, are those that Christian ethics and morals mark, being pillars of them; namely, solidarity and the recognition and preservation of the dignity of others. The fact that their behaviour is adjusted to these values does not mean that they have to renounce to the reward that their risk demands.


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How to Cite
Sanz Cerezuela, J. I. (2019). Valor y comportamiento del empresario cristiano. IHERING. CUADERNOS DE CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y SOCIALES, (2), 179-186.