The spanish novelty in America: the contribution of the Spanish Crown

  • José Luis Sánchez García Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir
  • Roser Campos Senchermés Universidad Católica de Ávila
Keywords: Latin América, humans rights, Hispanic America, Catholic Monarch


This article helps us to understand the importance of analysing the subject of the Discovery over and above the Conquest because, in a very few years, what Julián Marías calls the Spanish "graft" was established, making two cultures merge and contribute the best of each one. The Catholic Monarchs and, in particular, Queen Isabel, from the outset, treated them as free subjects of the Crown of Castile, recognising the dignity of every human person, supported by the School of Salamanca and the Laws of Burgos.

Bartolomé de Las Casas, who was very critical of the process, nevertheless began in New Spain as owner of encomiendas. The fact that he denounces breaches of the laws promoted by the Queen indicates that the Spanish Crown worked for the rights of the natives, and we even know, with a critical apparatus, that these denunciations were dealt with through an articulated system.

In this article, it is important to present the fathers of Salamanca as predecessors of human rights in order to understand the rights and liberties that, since Father Vitoria, made new approaches possible.

At present there are no historians of reference who uphold the Black Legend.


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How to Cite
Sánchez García, J. L., & Campos Senchermés, R. (2022). The spanish novelty in America: the contribution of the Spanish Crown. CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN HISTÓRICA, (39), 19-48.