Cuadernos de Pensamiento has been evaluated and accepted in REDALYC


We are pleased to inform you that the journal Cuadernos de Pensamiento is now officially part of the infrastructure in the Redalyc Scientific Information System.

We would like to thank the authors, the reviewers, the editorial team and our scientific board for their commitment, effort and perseverance, which has allowed us to overcome really demanding evaluation criteria.

Access to Redalyc gives us greater visibility and allows us to adopt the electronic publishing model based on the JATS XML language. Our editorial team has been trained in the use of the Marcalyc tool to implement this model starting with issue 34 (2021).

By publishing XML-JATS versions of journal articles, in addition to being at the forefront of technology, we will obtain the following advantages:

  • Greater visibility of each article published on the web.
  • Easy indexing and retrieval of the full text of a document.
  • Generation of various output formats (HTML, PDF, ePUB).
  • Print-ready files in magazine format.
  • Guarantee in digital preservation.
  • Possibility of using multiplatform viewers and readers.
  • Enable information for smart recovery.

We hope to continue in this line of improvement that results in a model of science as a common and public good to achieve an inclusive and participatory sustainable academic and scientific ecosystem.

We remind you that the authors who publish in Cuadernos de Pensamiento benefit from the evaluation of their research activity by the institutions for which they work and the accreditation agencies.

A cordial greeting,

Teresa Cid Vazquez / Alberto Sanz Lobo

About the journal

The journal Cuadernos de Pensamiento, published annually, is the journal of the “Ángel González Álvarez” Seminario de Pensamiento of the Spanish University Foundation. Its objective is the investigation and dissemination of philosophical, legal, political and pedagogical thought, from a multidisciplinary perspective. Only original articles are published. Our journal counts with the solidity and professionalism of more than thirty years in the edition of academic texts (since 1987). It guarantees a rigorous peer review, short deadlines for publication, professional edition and wide dissemination and impact through an open access system. Well-known authors such as Julián Marías, Alfonso López Quintás, Joseph Seifert, Alejandro Llano, María Antonia Bel Bravo, Rafael Alvira, Ignacio Sánchez Cámara, among others, have published in this journal.

Since 2018, it has also been published in an electronic version, and we have begun the process for it to be in the most important databases. It has been evaluated and included in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Redalyc, Catálogo 2.0 Latindex, ERIHPlus and REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge). It is indexed in Miar (University of Barcelona), in Carhus Plus (Next catalog), in Dialnet (University of La Rioja). It has been included in the ESBCO specialized database of The Philosopher´s Index with Full Text; and appears in the C.I.R.C. classification as group B Human Sciences. It also has a presence in most university libraries and national research centers through the REBIUN Library network.