As style, the latest version of the APA system will be used (7th edition, http://bit.ly/2JkuWs8).

Journal article, this guideline will be followed:

Electronic or with DOI: Surname / s, First initials (Year of publication). Article title. Journal title (italics), Volume (italics) (Number), pp-pp. http:// DOI or http://URL

Printed: Surname / s, First name initials (Year of publication). Article title. Publication Title (italics), Volume (italics) (Number), pp-pp. (page num- bers but without abbreviation pp.).


Cid Vázquez, M. T. (2020). La superación de la autorreferencialidad del bien común en las fuentes wojtylianas. Cuadernos de pensamiento (33), 15-48. https://doi.org/10.51743/cpe.60

Alvira, R. (2017). El economicismo de los planes universitarios internac- ionales. Cuadernos de pensamiento (30), 73-92.

Quote within the text (Alvira, 2017).

In the case of books, this guideline will be followed: [the place of publication is always omitted]

Printed: Last name / s of the author / s, initials of the name. (year of pub- lication). Book title (italics). Editorial.

Electronic: Last name (s) of the author / s, initials of the name. (year of publication). Book title (italics). Editorial. http: // url

Author / s (1 to 2). All authors are listed in order. If there are 3 or more, the first is cited followed by et al. If it is a monograph without authorship, write the title and then the date:


Sandel, M. (2000). El liberalismo y los límites de la justicia. Gedisa.

Melina, L., Granada, D. (2005). Limiti alla responsabilità? Amore e gius- tizia. Lateran University Press.

Cobo, C. y Moravec, J. W. (2011). Aprendizaje invisible: hacia una nueva ecología de la educación. Universitat de Barcelona. http://www.aprendizajeinvisible.com/download/AprendizajeInvisible.pdf

In-text quote. 1 or 2 authors always cite their surnames (Melina and Granada, 2005). From 3 authors, only the last name of the first is cited, followed by “et al.” and the year (Martin et al., 2020).

If a text is cited in the body of the article, two different procedures will be followed:

  • If an opinion of the author is alluded to or his words are to be reproduced verbatim, it will be said, for example: Sandel (2000).
  • To adduce a text cited in the bibliographic references in support of an opin- ion, you will say, for example: (Sandel, 2000).
  • If you want to present a text cited in the bibliographic references, expressly indicating the page in question, say, for example: Sandel (2000, 34) or (Sandel, 2000, 34), depending on the case.

Chapter of a book: Cid, M. T. (2018). Las virtudes relacionales: prácticas de hospitalidad familiar. En S. Gallardo (Ed.). Mujer, familia y trabajo (pp. 97- 118). Universidad Católica de Ávila.

Printed doctoral dissertation: Carravilla Parra, M. J. (2002). Razón mística. Aproximación filosófica sobre la obra de San Juan de la Cruz (Tesis doctoral). Fundación Universitaria Española.

As a general rule, it is recommended to adapt to any of the manuals published on APA in its latest edition (see https://libguides.csudh.edu/citation/apa-7)