Reflection for a social renewal: beauty and women
This reflection proposes the Via pulchritudinis as an educational alternative for the reconstruction of a post-Covid society. The concept of "the beautiful" can awaken in the human person the goodness, beauty and truth within them, as made in the image and likeness of the Creator. Women are especially sensitive to beauty and, in its highest moral meaning, beauty can be a valid means of "humanization" and social transformation. Women play an important role in this matter. However, it is necessary to bear in mind the dual anthropological understanding of the feminine that takes into account not only the elements common to the human being but, above all, what is specific in it as “being female”. If a person's beauty is linked to their interiority, then what characteristics make a woman particularly beautiful? Taking Mary as a reference and as icon of beauty for women and for the Church, the elements that make up her beauty are her prophetic aspect, her natural and spiritual motherhood, and her nuptiality.
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