The woman, in search of a lost identity?

Keywords: identity, new feminism, queer theory, transfeminism


Elisabeth Badinter, after criticizing at the end of the 20th century a feminism that had become entrenched in uncompromising victimhood, calls for a conquest of equality for women that does not endanger their relationships with men. She thus agrees with prominent feminists who insist on a greater appreciation of femininity. In view of the current conflict between gender feminism and transfeminism, on the one hand, with the majority sectors of “traditional feminism”, on the other, it does not seem unreasonable to demand a revision of the anthropological bases of feminism, which includes a better understanding of what it means to be a person (male and female) and of a notion as misunderstood by Modernity as that of human nature.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Abad, A. (2021). The woman, in search of a lost identity?. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (34), 165-194.