Simone Weil: experience, reflection and action of a woman at war

Keywords: barbarism, war, resistance, symbol, Simone Weil


Simone Weil’s experience of war led her to reflect on the destructive effects of barbarism. For her, barbarism generates complicity and when one has the support of a group, it is possible to kill others without any charge of conscience. Barbarism is an attempt to project a greatness that is considered absolute, but which in reality is false. To do so, various instruments of domination are used, which make oneself and others believe that one has unlimited power and strength. To resist barbarism and confront the idolatry of force, the French philosopher plans to form a body of front-line nurses, which is driven by a genuine religious inspiration. The female presence in the points of greatest danger would be, above all, an important propaganda in action, which could strike the imagination. It would also be a symbol of sacrifice, resolution, maternal tenderness, compassion and humanity.


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How to Cite
Romano, M. del S. (2021). Simone Weil: experience, reflection and action of a woman at war. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (34), 145-164.