The beauty of femininity: social, cultural and political perspectives

Keywords: woman, man, family, maternity, paternity, work, society, culture, politics


The paper addresses the social change that has been taking place in many aspects and contemporary realities. It explains how women have been gaining an enormous role in different kind of labor, cultural and social spheres. The paper, delves into the challenges that the true feminine condition has today. However, there is something inalienable for women: the possibility of becoming a mother. Given that certain ideologies have acquired outstanding relevance in today's society, it is emphasized that the true revolution today is the recognition of sexual difference. It cannot be forgotten that helping women is empowering the family, and that the real change is led by women. The woman can be positioned as a victim or as a protagonist. To be a protagonist, she must recover the feminine essence and the virtues that are its own. Only in this sense and in collaboration with man can it be built in the spheres of the family, at work and in society. 


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How to Cite
Fernández de la Cigoña, C., & Sánchez Maillo, º. (2021). The beauty of femininity: social, cultural and political perspectives. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (34), 215-238.