PRO VELASCO, MARÍA LUISA (2021). Introducción a la ética de Robert Spaemann. Comares. 180 pp.

Keywords: ethics, person, happiness, bioethics, metaphysics, utilitarianism


On this work Professor María Luisa Pro Velasco carries out a systematization of Robert Spaemann's thought from his ethics view as an anthropological way for each person that leads everyone to happiness, our ultimate goal and a telos we naturally and innate tend, taking into account bioethical actual problems, but grounded in metaphysics. She considerates too, Spaemann's hiden dialogue with Peter Singer, Derek Parfit and Daniel Dennett's utilitarism.


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Turbón, D., La evolución humana (Ariel, Madrid 2006), 245-248.

PRO VELASCO, MARÍA LUISA (2021). Introducción a la ética de Robert Spaemann. Comares. 180 pp.

How to Cite
Tovar Garazatúa, C. E. (2021). PRO VELASCO, MARÍA LUISA (2021). Introducción a la ética de Robert Spaemann. Comares. 180 pp. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (34), 273-278. Retrieved from