Presence: an Ethic Beyond Human Intelligence

Keywords: Homo sapiens, human person, personal relationship, presence


The human being, due to his intellective faculty, has tended to be analyzed in western thought as an intelligent being, concentrating on it as only that which characterizes him and forgetting that his intellective capacity is not the totality of his being, but rather is a part of the totality of the empirical structure of the human person. Bearing in mind this fundamental (but not unique) aspect of the human being, as evidenced by Jorge Debravo’s poem, I would like to show that the human being is more than an animal reality, more than an intelligent reality, and more than an evolutionary reality. The aim of this article is to show how the personal and biographical reality of the human person transcends his own “nature”, which therefore should not be reduced to the sole intellectual capacity.


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How to Cite
Irias Alfaro, B. J. (2023). Presence: an Ethic Beyond Human Intelligence. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (36), 101-119.