From “A” to “Z” (Technocracy, unity of knowledge and person)

Keywords: Encyclopedia, knowledge, love, person, poíesis, technocracy


The encyclopedic alphabetic order fractures knowledge and helps strengthen the empire of the single letter, the desiring and autonomous individual who reduces everything to technique, dominion. Such fragmentation of knowledge reveals an anthropological rupture. We need to move away from the techno-scientific model
towards poíesis, but, above all, we need to focus on what it is to be human. This article aims to reconsider what being a person means. This is hipóstasis-prósopon which grows in interpersonal relationships (you-me), that is, in a relationship of reception and care (shelter-protection) which is a consequence of love (agape). This elicits a life of communion that creates a poietic poíesis (poietic embrace) and concentrates on the real, giving rise to a new (agapic) type of knowledge, to a new relationship with the natural world, understanding it as a vital space (domus) and to another way of understanding social relationships and their ontological basis (sizigía).


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How to Cite
Ruiz Serradilla, J. J. (2022). From “A” to “Z” (Technocracy, unity of knowledge and person). Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (35), 197-236.