The paradox of technology and the meaning of life

Keywords: life, moral, mystery, reason, sense, technology


Nowadays, technology is seen as a paradox: it brings both the promise of development, but, at the same time, the threat of destruction of nature. We can see in this tension the difference between two ways of using reason: the moral and the technical. Both are different from the simple knowledge of things because they are
ordered by the will. The different way of ordering the human act is seen above all in the act’s beginning — the desire and love; and the end it reaches in a communion of people that technology does not understand and does not know how to order. The inadequacy of leaving what is natural, and especially everything that refers to life, to technique alone is therefore seen. Life asks for a different logic that looks at the interiority and is open to mystery, only in this way is a true meaning of life that orders human acts found. This leads us to an ethic of care, which technology is not capable of ordering by itself, since it contains a clear will of power. For man to live in true hope, he must know how to see the paradox of technology from the paradox of life
whose meaning is found in giving life for a love that is open to eternity


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How to Cite
Pérez-Soba Diez del Corral, J. J. (2022). The paradox of technology and the meaning of life. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (35), 17-52.