Is the technical a factor of dehumanization?

Keywords: anthropotechnics, human nature, meaning, serenity, technological silence


It is often assumed that technical development carries a risk of dehumanization. In its most popular versions, this thesis is presented as the danger that the human being will be replaced by machines or end up enslaved by them or perhaps merged with them. What I maintain here is that the technical is in the core of the human, and that only the inappropriate uses and interpretations of the technical and of the properly human can produce dehumanization. Curiously, the risk of dehumanization comes from a disoriented anthropology rather than from the technical itself. Guided by this idea, I try to outline the meaning of a properly human life, as well as the position of the technical at its service. I suggest, finally, that an attitude of serenity towards the technical, propitiated by practices such as the so-called technological silence, supposes an adequate antidote against the mentioned risk of dehumanization.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Marcos Martínez, Universidad de Valladolid

ALFREDO MARCOS es doctor en filosofía por la Universidad de Barcelona y catedrático de filosofía de la ciencia en la Universidad de Valladolid. Su docencia e investigación se centran en la filosofía general de la ciencia, historia y comunicación de la ciencia, filosofía de la biología, ética ambiental, bioética y estudios aristotélicos. Ha sido director del Departamento de Filosofía. Ha pertenecido a diversos comités hospitalarios de bioética y actualmente coordina, en la Universidad de Valladolid, el Doctorado Interuniversitario en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia. Ha impartido clases y conferencias en numerosas universidades de España, Colombia, Italia, México, Francia, Argentina y Polonia. Ha dirigido diecisiete tesis doctorales. Ha publicado una docena de libros y un centenar de artículos y capítulos.


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How to Cite
Marcos Martínez, A. (2022). Is the technical a factor of dehumanization?. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (35), 53-70.