Metaphysical realism, key to european culture

Keywords: Philosophical reality, truth, freedom, culture, Europe


The concept of realism has been conflictive within the European philosophical discourse for some time. The affirmation that there is something beyond our representations is essentially problematic from Kant onwards. The world is no longer seen as a gift from God to humans, but rather as ‘data’ that man gives to himself. Nonetheless, the contemplative attitude has allowed Europe to be the scene of an enormous cultural development. Rather than the philosophies that wish to ‘place’ reality, a realistic philosophy, which understands that reality is not a thesis or a construct, but it is before all my constructs, is the best placed to generate respect, equity, and of course to recognise something as human as love.


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I. KANT, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, B XXXIX, XL.

M. HEIDEGGER, Seinund Zeit, § 43 a

MILLÁN-PUELLES, A., «Teoría del objeto puro (1990)», en Obras completas de A. Millán-Puelles, vol. VIII, Madrid, Rialp, 2015.

J. PIEPER, Glück und Kontemplation, München, Kösel-Verlag, 1957, p. 29.

R. SPAEMANN, «Philosophie als institutionalisierte Naivität», Philosophisches Jahrbuch, Band 81, 1974, p. 142

H. BLUMENBERG, Wirklichkeiten, in denen wir leben. Stuttgart, Reclam, 1981, Einleitung, p. 17.

PROUST, M., A la recherche du temps perdu, vol. 2, París,Gallimard, 1999, p. 415.

BARRIO, Cristianismo, Europa, libertad, cit., p. 174.

J. PIEPER, Über die Liebe, München, Kösel-Verlag, 2014, capítulo V.

R. SPAEMANN, Límites. Acerca de la dimensión ética del actuar, Barcelona, Eiunsa, 2003.

How to Cite
Barrio Maestre, J. M. (2018). Metaphysical realism, key to european culture. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (31), 11-21.
Section I: Monographic Studies