Integral Formation/Comprehensive Education of the University Student Through Literary Texts




classics, integral formation/comprehensive education, liberal education, literature, virtues


One of the main tasks of the university, according to J.H. Newman, consists of the integral formation of the students; to educate wise people, with the capacity to integrate reality, seekers of the meaning of life, resilient and committed to working for the common good. Dedication to the formation of the character of the young person is today an emerging need in institutions of Higher Education. This article aims to show how that is possible to accomplish through the reading and analysis of a good selection of literary texts, ancient and modern, reflecting on the situations and attitudes of the characters, to form in intellectual, civic and moral virtues, providing the young student with a practical wisdom.


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How to Cite

de Ancos Morales, B. (2023). Integral Formation/Comprehensive Education of the University Student Through Literary Texts. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (36), 251–269.