Technology, Body and Dualism: a Reflection on Anthropotechnics from Ernst Jünger
In this paper, we want to present a reflection on the anthropological assumptions underlying the centrality of technology in its relationship with human nature. To this end, we first provide an overview of some key writings by Ernst Jünger to trace a series of concepts that shed light on the technological phenomenon. Some of these concepts are “total mobilization” (totale Mobilmachung) and “organic construction” (organischen Konstruktion). These concepts allow us to understand the fundamental characteristics of the era that emerged after the Great War, which Jünger explained through the metaphysics of the Figure of the Worker (Gestalt des Arbeiters), a univocal centre from which all activity can be understood as work. It is at this point that we analyse the relationship with the body as the seat of pain under the influence of the central dominion of technology. This analysis leads to the presentation of what we have called the “dualistic imperative of technology”, through which we examine the risk of the dissolution of the human presented by anthropotechnics. Finally, we present an interpretation of Jünger’s “forest walk” (Waldgang) as a path through which to reclaim the interiority –alienated by the excesses of technology– to find an unmobilized space from which to redefine the unity of the individual, the relationship with the other, and, furthermore, the call for transcendence.
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