Undefined borders, growing discontent, unstable alliances and external threats: the European Union and its perfect storm

Keywords: European Union, Immigration, Brexit, Enlargement, Euroscepticism


The European Union is in such an undeniable existential crisis that even politicians and analysts with diametrically opposed ideological backgrounds have agreed in its diagnosis, and in the urgent need of a shock therapy capable of stopping what looks like a race towards destruction of the European project. The purpose of this essay is to rapidly review —even at the price of having to be extraordinarily synthetic in its approach— the problems that have plunged the European Union into the most serious crisis of its long history. Problems that in any case are susceptible to be grouped into four major labels: those that have slowed down and even reversed the European integration process; those that have generated the increasingly serious internal fractures that the Union is now suffering; those that derive from the deterioration of the traditional alliances of the Union; and those that threaten the leadership of the Union in a world that is increasingly globalized.


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How to Cite
Flores Juberías, C. (2018). Undefined borders, growing discontent, unstable alliances and external threats: the European Union and its perfect storm . Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (31), 37-60. https://doi.org/10.51743/cpe.40
Section I: Monographic Studies