"The comedy of promiscuity". The IV Congress of the European movement and its consequences for the spanish christian cemocrats

Keywords: European Movement, Francoism, repression, Christian Democracy, European Centre of Documentation and Information, ECDI


Much has already been written about the so-called "Munich Conspiracy", but the transcendent changes that it had for the Spanish Christian Democratic groups during de francoist regime are usually ignored, apart from the exile and confinements of its members. The purpose of this article is to give a vision of the consequences that the IV Congress of the European Movement, held in Munich in June 1962, had for the Spanish opposition to Franco’s regime. It focus the attention on the reprisals of the government to the Christian Democrat attendees. The above mentioned events occurred after the request of Spain to join the EEC in February 1962. Due to this reason the Francoist repression did not go unnoticed by the international press. Although it is known that certain French press such as France Soir helped to inflame the disproportionate reaction of the Franco government, the reaction of the German press will be offered in this work, as a counterpoint.


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How to Cite
Urigüren López de Sandaliano, N. (2018). "The comedy of promiscuity". The IV Congress of the European movement and its consequences for the spanish christian cemocrats. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (31), 61-76. https://doi.org/10.51743/cpe.41
Section I: Monographic Studies