The Depersonalization of the Body, a Challenge for Technique and Medicine. Suggestions from Zubiri, Xirau and Marcel

Keywords: Body, Gnosticism, Marcel, Xirau, Zubiri


Zubiri, Xirau and Marcel stress the personal character of the body, avoiding the mechanicisms of the technocratic paradigm. Although its reduction to an object is useful for the sciences, when it becomes ‘the’ dimension it is depersonalised: the person would suffer a certain disembodiment (neognosticism, H. Jonas) and man would be thought of from the point of view of technology (neuroscience). Zubiri stresses the personal richness of corporeality, “the person expresses himself”, in 'respectivity’dies, because the gaze of love discovers them in 'indivisible simultaneity', not merely as an instrument of manifestation; the soul is inscribed in the body in an ever-deeper way, becoming progressively more present until it transfigures it, the bodily presence is the voluminous and incarnated soul, the centre of all perspective. In the ontology of being-love, Marcel asserts that “I and my body” recover the original unity unfolded by abstract reflection, overcoming possessive having and moving from unavailability to surrender.


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How to Cite
Antúnez Cid, J. (2024). The Depersonalization of the Body, a Challenge for Technique and Medicine. Suggestions from Zubiri, Xirau and Marcel. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (37), 79-102.