Look at him Looking at me. A Philosophical Analysis of the Exchange of Glances
The work proposes to carry out a philosophical analysis on the crossing of glances. To do this, it addresses the experience of exchanging glances with the animal, with others and with God. The human being crosses his gaze with the gaze of the animal and discovers in it something that makes it difficult for him to possess it completely in the way we possess objects. In the exchange of glances with our neighbor it is evident that we cannot discover the other by analogy with my own self. If we limit ourselves to the phenomenon of the exchange of glances, they do not express feelings, but they reveal an interiority that is in front of me. But above all, the exchange of glances reveals the mutual co-presence of two interiorities (I for you and you for me). A tentative classification of degrees of co-presence is attempted, until reaching the exchange of glances thanks to which one is there for the other, they know it, and they know that the other knows it. All this is the presupposition to better understand the exchange of glances with God that the mystics speak of.
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