The Interior Inflection of a Thought Reopened to Relationality. Structure and Ontological-Existential Dynamism of the Pascalian "Cogito"
The Augustinian invitation to redi in teipsum seems to recur in the modern variant of the search for interiority that can be observed in two authors such as Descartes and Pascal, although with different paths. The Pascalian cogito, beyond its similarity of structure with the Cartesian one, is expressed in the rediscovery of thought as the fundamental reason of man’s dignity and the identifying core of the anthropological constitution, bringing to the determination of the meaning of the structure of conscience as constitutively relational. The Augustinian inspired interiorism we find in Pascal, in its own ontological-consciential and existential-dynamic structure, has a simultaneous philosophical and theological-spiritual value, and Pascal’s own production is traversed and pervaded by the need for an unceasing return to conscience’s interiority, pursued as a necessary condition for the existential qualification of the person as a being essentially in relation.
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