A Pope for a new world
Remembering St John Paul II in the centenary of his birth is not just about bringing him back to our memories, but it is about interpreting a living heritage that is present among us. We need to know how to extract all the life out of the inheritance he left us. His legacy has a clear sense of wisdom that advocates an inner conviction and becomes a mission. The profound contribution of his proposal could be summarized from the biblical imprint of truth: he proposes the truth as light, not as a statement that is affirmed, and that same light illuminates all people. For this reason, the perspective of Saint John Paul II has a novel strength that comes from within and that is capable of “reinventing” in the face of new situations. His experience at the Council had been decisive in that point and made him see that he should "go back to the sources" as a permanent principle of ecclesial renewal. He understood clearly that the underlying question was Truth, and that authentic fidelity to the Gospel consists in drawing out of it that treasure of novelty in response to the historical events that we have to live.
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