Presence and Interpersonality. Reflections on Interiority from the Maternal Perspective
feminine, interiority, motherhood, human relationality, Sloterdijk, ZucalAbstract
This paper proposes to address the question about the experience of motherhood, which is proposed not only as a paradigm of understanding women, but also as a paradigm of the human. Motherhood is approached as a relational dimension, which explains the experience of human interiority –not only feminine– as interpersonal, inhabited or in coexistence with others. This dimension as an event envelops us and also precedes any explicit awareness, moreover, in a certain way it eludes any objectivation based on a false distancing of the subject from the object, or the verbalization of a rationalist approach that presupposes pure objectivity. Motherhood presents itself, in the last analysis as the metaphysical root of the human person, as a symbol for interpreting the ultimate (and most primary) form of human relationality: that which man establishes with the divine Person as his Creator.
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