The originality of the philosophical method of Karol Wojtyła in The Acting Person

Keywords: action, experience, induction, reduction, person


The object of this article is to explore the specificity of Karol Wojtyla's philosophical method exposed in his masterpiece The acting person. In order to do this, we will explain the most outstanding aspects of this method in order to under stand the Wojtylian way of philosophizing. We will see the influences of Thomism, Phenomenology and Personalism in the development of this method, but making it clear at the same time how Wojtyła is not constrained to the method, but uses it as an instrument to reach the center of the human person. Experience, not in a phenomenal sense, will be the way that will allow us to elaborate an adequate anthropology that takes into account not only the objectivity but also the subjectivity of each person, of every person.


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How to Cite
García Casas, P. (2019). The originality of the philosophical method of Karol Wojtyła in The Acting Person. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (32), 83-103.