John Paul II: Faithful witness to the Presence in the ethics of self gift

Keywords: love, gift ethics, fidelity, presence, Trinitarian Mystery


The pastoral motivation that always encouraged the figure of K. Wojtyla before he was pope, and later as pope John Paul II, led him to delve into ethics science to try to elaborate an ethics corpus whose roots and principles were capable of  giving reason for the dignity of the integrality of the person. To do this, he analyzed in depth the contributions of Kant and Scheler to ethics science, showing their achievements and their deficiencies, and raised the advisability of another ethical proposal based on interpersonal relationships in love, taking fidelity as a contrasting element to prove its solidity. Thus, a new context appears in the study of ethics that combines the best of the philosophical tradition with radically new elements, such as Wojtylian notions of adequate anthropology, theology of the body, personalistic norm, or hermeneutics of the gift, to name just a few. His integrative vision magnificently conjugated the philosophical and theological dimension of anthropology, based on the analogy of love between an original Love —Trinitarian Mystery— and a love shared in the imago Dei which is interpersonal communion. In this analogy, marriage and family constitute a true tropes of intra-Trinitarian love.


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JUAN PABLO II, Cruzando el umbral de la esperanza, Plaza y Janés, Barcelona 1994, 197.

JUAN PABLO II, Exhortación Apostólica Postsinodal Familiaris consortio (22/11/1981), n. 75

JUAN PABLO II, Hombre y mujer lo creó, Ediciones Cristiandad, Madrid 2000.

BENEDICTO XVI, Carta encíclica Caritas in veritate (29/06/2009), n. 1.

K. WOJTYLA, Lecciones de Lublin (I), Ediciones Palabra 2014, 10-11.

K. WOJTYLA, Mi visión del hombre, Editorial Palabra 1997.

K. WOJTYLA, Persona y Acción, Editorial Palabra 2011, 53.

K. WOJTYLA, Max Scheler y la ética cristiana, BAC, Madrid 1982, 30.

K. WOJTYLA, El don del amor. Escritos sobre la Familia, Palabra, Madrid 2000, 239.

JUAN PABLO II, Carta encíclica Redemptor hominis (4/03/1979), n. 10.

K. WOJTYLA, Carta apostólica Mulieris dignitatem. Sobre la dignidad y la vocación de la mujer con

ocasión del año mariano (15/08/1988), n.7.

K. WOJTYLA, Carta a las Familias Gratisimam Sane (2/02/1994), n 6.

JUAN PABLO II, Familiaris consortio, n. 11.

PAPA FRANCISCO, Homilía pronunciada con ocasión de la canonización de Juan Pablo II, San Pedro del Vaticano, 27 abril 2014.

JUAN PABLO II, Gratisimam Sane, n. 19.

How to Cite
Casanova, G. (2019). John Paul II: Faithful witness to the Presence in the ethics of self gift. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (32), 135-166.