Karol Wojtyla and the Humanae vitae

Keywords: conjugal love, Humanae Vitae, Karol Wojtyla, contraception, personalism


The present work briefly comments on the doctrine exposed in the Humanae Vitae in the light of some texts that Karol Wojtyla dedicated to this encyclical. For this we make a brief and simple introduction to the issue of birth regulation and contraception. Subsequently, and in the light of Wojtyla's texts, we underline the new order given to the ends of marriage, stating how the Second Vatican Council and the Humanae Vitae insist on joining conjugal love to responsible parenthood. These two concepts are analyzed in the light of three writings that Wojtyla wrote a few months after the publication of the encyclical.


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How to Cite
Fayos, R. (2019). Karol Wojtyla and the Humanae vitae. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (32), 187-204. https://doi.org/10.51743/cpe.58