John Paul II, bringing people closer to God
To begin to examine the meaning of education in Saint John Paul II is to point clearly to a process of humanization of the person. His writings on human formation show the beauty of a being created by God to reach fullness, a perfectible being who needs to be accompanied as they are being educated. The Pope conceived of education as a process of personalization carried out from reason and the freedom of the person. That education is a close and autonomous accompaniment, to discover, from a relationship between the teacher and student, the truth that surrounds reality: the personal truth contained within the mystery of each person and the Truth, with a capital letter, that tells us about God. The engine and key to education, in all his written work, focuses on the search for truth and the desire to transform reality at the service of our brothers and sisters. Karol Wojtyla believed in the educational community, especially in the Catholic school, as a place of reference and transmission of culture, but also as a place of maturation of faith where the testimony of believers acts as an evangelizing agent.
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