Sculpture as an answer to the Love of God in the light of John Paul II

Keywords: John Paul II, art, vocation, sculpture, dialogue between faith and art


Saint John Paul II in his letter addressed to artists made a call to those who have this special vocation towards beauty, as he conceived art as the good that saves, as “a bridge towards religious experience”, as the means that by transforming
matter allows souls to open to the sense of the eternal and that leads them to God. Art then becomes a vocation at the service of good, capable, through our sensitivity, of elevating our spirit, of enlightening our path, especially in moments of confusion and difficulty, of causing wonder and awe in our souls, and thus giving us back our desire to live and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. All of this is what I try to capture in my work as a sculptor.


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F. DOSTOIEVSKI, El idiota, p. III, cap. V.

Juan Pablo II, Mensaje a los Artistas (8 de diciembre 1965): AAS 54 (1966), 13.

Juan Pablo II, Carta del Santo Padre Juan Pablo II a los artistas (4 abril de 1999).

How to Cite
Garibay, M. (2020). Sculpture as an answer to the Love of God in the light of John Paul II. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (33), 195-203.