Cuadernos de pensamiento is the Journal of the "Ángel González Álvarez" Thought Seminar, of the Spanish University Foundation. Since 1987 it collect in its pages the results of the research of numerous spanish and foreign authors. Its objective is the investigation and dissemination of philosophical, legal, political and humanistic thought, from a multidisciplinary perspective. It is aimed at specialists in philosophical research, professors and students of philosophy and humanities. Only publish original articles. International researchers will find in it a reference point of the best in academia.
No. 32 (2019): Cuadernos de pensamiento. Número monográfico sobre Karol Wojtyla/san Juan Pablo II en el centenario de su nacimiento. Volumen 1.
In this monographic issue, divided into two volumes, we remember John Paul II with immense gratitude on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. As some of the authors who write in it point out, it is not about doing an exercise in memory but about interpreting their legacy, the living heritage that is present among us. The perspective of Saint John Paul II has the force of innovation that is born from within and that is capable of “inventing” in the face of new situations. He understood clearly that the underlying question is the truth, and that authentic fidelity to the Gospel consists in drawing out of it that treasure of novelty in response to the historical events that we have to live.