About the Journal


Cuadernos de Pensamiento is a Spanish publication of the Fundación Universitaria Española publishing house (CIF: G-28433670), a foundation registered in the Registry of Foundations on March 24, 1949. It’s the journal of the Philosophy Department "Ángel González Álvarez" of the Fundación Universitaria Española. Located in the cosmopolitan city of Madrid, with its headquarters in the central Alcalá street, on the corner of Velázquez street, the Foundation offers the possibility of encounters and academic exchange between Faculty and researchers from all over Spain and internationally. This environment has given birth to and nurtures the Journal, and makes it a cultural space open to the world, to foster philosophical dialogue and create ideas.

Since 1987 it collect in its pages the results of the research of numerous spanish and foreign authors. Its objective is the investigation and dissemination of philosophical, legal, political and humanistic thought, from a multidisciplinary perspective. It is aimed at specialists in philosophical research, professors and students of philosophy and humanities. Only publish original articles. International researchers will find in it a reference point of the best in academia, all with a Spanish flavour.

It has been published uninterruptedly since 1987, currently with a fixed annual periodicity. It is a peer-reviewed publication that uses the external peer-review system, in accordance with the publication standards of the APA 7.0 (American Psychological Association). Compliance with these requirements facilitates their indexing in the main international databases, guaranteeing a greater dissemination of the published articles and, therefore, of their authors and work centers.

The journal, from 2023, is structured as follows:

  1. Section I: Monographic Studies: articles related to the specific study area proposed in the monograph, coordinated by experts.
  2. Section II: Miscellaneous Studies: articles not related to the monographic section but that are related to the research field of the journal.
  3. Reviews: about books related to the subject area of the  journal.

It only publishes original articles. They will preferably be written in Spanish or English, although the inclusion of other languages may be discussed upon justified request. Reports, studies and proposals, as well as selected literature reviews (state-of-the-art articles) can also be submitted. The works must be original and collect final research results, in addition to not having been published in any medium or being in the process of publication, the authors being the responsibility of compliance with this rule.

The Journal is published in a double version: printed (ISSN: 0214-0284) and electronic (ISSN-e: 2660-6070).

Cuadernos de Pensamiento has been evaluated and included in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Redalyc, Catálogo 2.0 Latindex, ERIHPlus and REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge). It is indexed in  Miar (University of Barcelona), in Carhus Plus (Next catalog), in Dialnet (University of La Rioja). It has been included in the ESBCO specialized database of The Philosopher´s Index with Full Text; and appears in the C.I.R.C. classification as group B Human Sciences. It also has a presence in most university libraries and national research centers through the REBIUN Library network.

Web hosting: https://revistas.fuesp.com/cpe

Each job is identified with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System).

The journal is a member of Crossref, it is registered in the Similarity Check services to detect plagiarism and in Cited by, which provides open access to citations of published articles. In this way complying with the I4OC standards for open citations.



1. All articles that do not conform to what is specified in the instructions for authors or are not accompanied by what is requested below will be automatically rejected.

All the writings that are sent for publication, both Articles and Reviews, must be not have been published elsewhere in any form. While they are in the review or editing process within this journal, they should not be submitted to any other publication. Once they have been published, the authors will be able to use their texts with total freedom, although always citing their original publication in Cuadernos de Pensamiento.

2. The Journal Cuadernos de Pensamiento publishes articles in Spanish and English. The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept texts sent in other languages if they are in accord with the particular situation of the volume.


3. The following types of work will be considered for publication:

Studies: We will take into consideration studies in the areas of philosophy, legal studies, education and pedagogy, and which accord with the theme of the journal. Studies should present novel contributions with depth and scientific rigor or should be a summary or synthesis of previous research (a review article). Contributions in Spanish will be between 7000 / 12000 words in length, including title, abstracts, descriptors, tables and references (articles submitted in English should not exceed 7000 words).

Reviews: We will consider reviews which assess a recently published work relating to the theme of the journal, and where the arguments are briefly and concisely exposed. Reviews will not exceed 2000 words in length, nor will it be less than 1500 words.

4. Studies should be submitted (in a single Word file) in the following order and structure to facilitate the anonymous review process:

  1. Title Page, and Author file. The first page will contain: the title of the article, in Spanish and English, full name and surname of the author. Along with the name, you must include your title, ORCID number, full name of your university or institution, email, and full postal address. Ensure your name is standardized in accordance with what is recognised in the main databases. And a brief bio-bibliographical note indicating positions held or awards received and three publications of their choice.
  2.  Summary Page, Keywords and the list of Bibliographical References. The second page should contain the title of the article, a summary of the content of the article (an abstract of 150-250 words) and the list of Keywords in Spanish (5 words), followed by an Abstract in English and a translation of the Keywords. This page will also include the list of Bibliographical References.
  3.  Text of the work. The third and subsequent pages will be dedicated to the research text.

5. Studies should be accompanied by a cover letter ensuring the originality of the article, requesting its consideration and a declaration that the paper is not being submitted to other journals for consideration.


6. Manuscripts are submitted through OJS 3, which is accessed through the Send manuscripts section. All co-authors must register on the OJS platform, although only one will be responsible for correspondence.

Cuadernos de Pensamiento acknowledges receipt of the manuscript sent by the authors and informs the corresponding author by email and on the platform the acceptance process, and whether the manuscript has been accepted / rejected, as well as, in case of acceptance, the editing process. The official website (Regulations section) offers the complete publication standards, the check list prior to submission, the manuscript structure format, the Title page, the guide for OJS submission of the manuscript (manager), as well as the evaluation protocol for external reviewers.

Within a maximum period of 30 days, from the receipt of each manuscript, the corresponding author will receive notification of receipt, indicating if the work is rejected or if the work has been forwarded for preliminarily evaluation by the scientific advisors. In the event that the manuscript presents formal deficiencies or is not included in the thematic focus of the publication, the Editorial Board will formally or thematically reject the work without the option of returning. No further correspondence will be maintained with authors of rejected articles. On the contrary, if the manuscript presents superficial formal deficiencies, it will be returned to the author for correction before the beginning of the evaluation process. In this case, the submission of the corrected manuscript will be taken as the submission date. It is strongly recommended that the manuscript be checked with the self-check list prior to submission.


7. PHASE ONE. Formal analysis of the article by the Editorial Board before submitting it for peer review. Cuadernos de Pensamiento rejects plagiarism and fraudulent practices, therefore, all contributions sent for publication will be submitted to an originality analysis before being sent for peer review. It is verified that the article, from a formal point of view (stylistic, orthographic...), conforms to the norms established by the Cuadernos de Pensamiento:

  1.  if it is original, or not;
  2. if its length fits within the range between 6000 and 7000 words;
  3. if it complies with APA standards (in its latest version), and
  4. if it contains the required sections (especially, summary / abstract, keywords / keywords, bibliography, footnotes, etc.).

If the article is deemed to meet the formal standards adequately, it proceeds to the next phase. Otherwise, the article is returned to the author for them to make the pertinent modifications. This process generally takes a month.

8. SECOND PHASE. Anonymous peer review. Once the first phase is over, the article is sent to two specialists in the subject matter of the study:

  1. The reports are binding and can conclude with the following results: accept without modifications, accept with modifications or reject.
  2. In the event of a conflict between the two reports, a third specialist whose experience is sufficiently recognized is used.
  3. The decision on the publication, or its reasoned rejection, will be communicated to the corresponding author within 90 calendar days, counted from the formal acceptance of the article. Each author undertakes to follow the suggestions of the reviewers to modify, where appropriate, the manuscript accepted for publication.

The authors of accepted articles, before the final edition, will receive the proofs for their correction by email in PDF format. These should be checked for typographic errors and returned within three days. Only minor corrections can be made on the content of the original manuscript once it has been through the peer-review process. Once the manuscript is finally accepted, the authors will present the final version in English or Spanish (depending on the original version), which will guarantee its international consultation and dissemination. The translated text must have a professional quality.

Authors will be able to access the publication online, both in the press article version and in the final version. Each author will receive a free copy of the corresponding issue. It is recommended that, to sustain the editorial project, printed copies be acquired for free dissemination among colleagues and institutions. However, it is a recommendation for the purpose of dissemination, at no time is the author obliged to acquire copies.

The authors agree to be members of the International Council of Scientific Reviewers, once their manuscript is published, for the next three years after its publication.

In october, the Editorial Board selects, from among all the accepted articles, which ones will be included in the number published in December of each year and will inform the corresponding authors accordingly.

The authors of articles in the process of publication will receive the proof of the article after being typeset, for its immediate correction. A turnaround time of two weeks is generally expected of proofs, from the time that they are sent to the corresponding author.

Once published, they will receive a free copy of the corresponding issue of Cuadernos de Pensamiento, which is published on paper and in electronic format on the website https://revistas.fuesp.com/cpe


9. The text will be written in Word 7 or higher. Normal text. Font: Times New Roman, size: 12. Text of footnotes: Times New Roman, size 10. Headings. Font: Times New Roman, size: 12, in small caps.

10. The various sections or sections of the article will be numbered as follows: 1.1.1., 2. 2.1. 2.2. The titles of subsequent subdivisions must follow an alphabetical order, as follows: a) b) c), etc.

11. The citations in the body of the text will be brief, and must be enclosed in quotation marks: “like this”. To introduce an explanatory term within a quotation, brackets will be used, as in the following example: "The linking of this [special situation] to the end of the agent ...". Highlighting in uppercase text will be avoided.

12. As style, the latest version of the APA system will be used (7th edition, http://bit.ly/2JkuWs8).

Journal article, this guideline will be followed:

  1. Electronic or with DOI: Surname / s, First initials (Year of publication). Article title. Journal title (italics), Volume (italics) (Number), pp.-pp. http: // DOI or http://URL
  2. Printed: Surname / s, First name initials (Year of publication). Article title. Publication Title (italics), Volume (italics) (Number), p. / pp. (page numbers).
  3. Examples: Cid Vázquez, M. T. (2020). La superación de la autorreferencialidad del bien común en las fuentes wojtylianas. Cuadernos de pensamiento (33), pp. 15-48. https://doi.org/10.51743/cpe.60; Alvira, R. (2017). El economicismo de los planes universitarios internacionales. Cuadernos de pensamiento (30), pp. 73-92.
  4. Quote within the text (Alvira, 2017).

In the case of books, this guideline will be followed: [the place of publication is always omitted]

  1. Printed: Last name / s of the author / s, initials of the name. (year of publication). Book title (italics). Editorial.
  2. Electronic: Last name (s) of the author / s, initials of the name. (year of publication). Book title (italics). Editorial. http: // url
  3. Author / s (1 to 2). All authors are listed in order. If there are 3 or more, the first is cited followed by et al. If it is a monograph without authorship, write the title and then the date:
  4. Examples: Sandel, M. (2000). El liberalismo y los límites de la justicia. Gedisa; Melina, L., Granada, D. (2005). Limiti alla responsabilità? Amore e giustizia. Lateran University Press; Cobo, C. y Moravec, J. W. (2011). Aprendizaje invisible: hacia una nueva ecología de la educación. Universitat de Barcelona. http://www.aprendizajeinvisible.com/download/AprendizajeInvisible.pdf
  5. In-text quote. 1 or 2 authors always cite their surnames (Melina and Granada, 2005). From 3 authors, only the last name of the first is cited, followed by "et al." and the year (Martin et al., 2020).

If a text is cited in the body of the article, two different procedures will be followed:

  1. If an opinion of the author is alluded to or his words are to be reproduced verbatim, it will be said, for example: Sandel (2000).
  2. To adduce a text cited in the bibliographic references in support of an opinion, you will say, for example: (Sandel, 2000).
  3. If you want to present a text cited in the bibliographic references, expressly indicating the page in question, say, for example: Sandel (2000, p. 34) or (Sandel, 2000, p. 34), depending on the case.

Chapter of a book: Cid, M. T. (2018). Las virtudes relacionales: prácticas de hospitalidad familiar. En S. Gallardo (Ed.). Mujer, familia y trabajo (pp. 97-118). Universidad Católica de Ávila.

Printed doctoral dissertation: Carravilla Parra, M. J. (2002) Razón mística. Aproximación filosófica sobre la obra de San Juan de la Cruz (Tesis doctoral). Fundación Universitaria Española.

As a general rule, it is recommended to adapt to any of the manuals published on APA in its latest edition (see http://normasapa.net/).


13. At the end of the article, a section entitled Bibliographic references or Bibliography should be added, in which all the publications used in the notes will be listed. This must be ordered alphabetically by surname and, if there are several works by the same author, they will be ordered by publication date in ascending order. This list will be published independently in the online version of the journal. In order to manage bibliographic references, it is recommended to use the option "Manage sources" from the "References" menu in Word.

14. To guarantee the correct transcription of the texts in Greek, they must be written with the Gentium source, freely available for Windows, Mac and Linux Debian / Ubuntu at the following address: http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=Gentium_download If you need to use characters from other languages not included in that font, you should use a Unicode font.


15. Each review must be between 600 and 1200 words, and be completely original and unpublished.

16. Except in exceptional cases, reviews of books older than three years will not be accepted. The reviewed works must be first editions, or reissues with substantive modifications.

17. To avoid conflicts of interest, it is preferable that they are not written by people close to the author of the reviewed book or who have collaborated in its editing or design. The author of a reviewed book should not have a professional background over the author of the review, as is the case of a thesis advisor or a member of the same research group.

18. If it is necessary to include any quotation other than that of the book being reviewed, it will be done in the body of the text, in parentheses, following what is indicated in nn. 11 and 12. If the citation is from the book being reviewed, just include the page number, like this: (p. 63), or (pp. 63-64). At the end of the review, the author will state his name, his university, or affiliation without including the postal address, and an email address.


The works published in this journal are subject to the following terms:

  1. The authors reserves the rights  of the published works and its copyright and the journal encourages and allows their reuse under the license of use indicated in point 2.
  2. Open Access. The works are published in the electronic edition of the journal under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). They may be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and publicly displayed, provided that: a) authorship and the original source of publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work) are cited; b) they are not used for commercial purposes; c) the existence and specifications of this licence for use are mentioned.
  3. Self-filing conditions. Authors are allowed and encouraged to electronically disseminate the editorial version (version published by the publisher with their logos, pagination, indication of the volume and number of the journal, ISSN, DOI, etc.), to promote its circulation and dissemination, and with it a possible increase in its citation and reach among the academic community.