Fruitfulness and Personal Identity in family ties. The role of the logic of gift in them from a perspective of motherhood

Keywords: corporeality, identity, freedom, logic of gift, bonds


During gestation it is evident that the child is radically dependent on the mother. Feminine corporeality seen in its full transcendence, and not in a merely biological sense, allows us to understand the affective dynamic that is generated between the subjects involved in fertilization and its determining influence on the formation of their own identity. Through the logic of self-giving that manifests itself in an existential way in the corporeality of the woman and the meaning with which she accepts the care and promotion of this new life, the man “learns” his own paternity. The bond that is generated between the parents and with respect to the child implies a permanent character that matures over time and requires true love to respond adequately to the union that is generated; the development of the ties and their various stages, involving a back-and-forth movement between autonomy and alterity, constitute the gift of the family as a communion capable of contributing to the edification of the common good in society because, within this relational weave, one learns over time to love.


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How to Cite
Chávez Ibarra , M. J. (2021). Fruitfulness and Personal Identity in family ties. The role of the logic of gift in them from a perspective of motherhood. Cuadernos De Pensamiento, (34), 195-214.