Facing Exclusion and Digital Divide Through a Humane use of ICT
Digital technologies offer universal and instant access to information and communication, thereby increasing opportunities for learning, innovation, educational inclusion and social participation. However, in the last decade, in a globalized world, profound differences in access to and use of ICT have become more pronounced. At the same time, there is a risk that ICT may be emptied of content and values and fail to respect the rights and dignity of individuals. This article aims to respond, through a bibliographic review of sources, both from educational and official literature, to the challenges posed by the rapid development of digital technologies and by the meaning and ethical implications of innovation and educational technological development in the context of the digital divide. The results found detect a double aspect of positive and negative uses of ICT and point to education as a key element to promote training in the critical use of digital technologies. It is also necessary to promote ethical commitment in digital competence, allowing a more humane and inclusive use of technological media.
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