Edith Stein’s Anthropology, the Foundation of an Integral Pedagogy
This paper focuses on the contributions made by Edith Stein - Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (1891-1942), based on her conception of the person and its intrinsic link with the educational act, a humanism that inspires an integral education. According to the philosopher from Breslau, all educational practice is based on a ‘global image of the world’, which implies that all pedagogy has a metaphysical foundation; the idea of ‘man’ constitutes the centre of pedagogical knowledge and educational practice, because it has to respond to the question of the meaning of being human and to an idea of personality that is constantly evolving. Through the freedom that is inherent to him, the person can shape himself, relatively independently of his environmental conditions, since there is no mechanical causalist concatenation to explain human behaviour. For Stein, education is understood as a free process, where reason and affectivity are one; where the spirituality of the pedagogical act derives from the spiritual nature of man. Stein’s anthropology allows us to outline an integral pedagogy, oriented towards the development of a humanism anchored in the present.
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