St. Bonaventure’s Fontalis Plenitudo and the Intimate Anthropological Relationality
St. Bonaventure’s Trinitarianism and Christology offer important food for thought to recover, particularly in the contemporary era, a theology and metaphysics that founds and structures a strong anthropology. It presents a consistent metaphysics finally capable, on the one hand, of giving a reason for the meaning of Creation and its profound nature, and on the other, of reawakening that anthropological centrality that sees the human being precisely from the perspective of an ontological relationality. The latter would then be the foundation of human interiority. This work would therefore primarily highlight the intimate relational structure of the interiority of the human person, and consequently its close link with the dynamism of Creation, considering its Trinitarian and Christological foundation in St. Bonaventure’s thought.
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