Quality policies and Anti-plagiarism

Quality policies

CILH guarantees the originality of contributions it publishes to ensure its high quality standards. All the manuscripts approved by the Editorial Board are screened through plagiarism detection services iThenticate, by Turnitin, LLC, using the professional CrossCheck aplication. Authors and reviewers also have a specific set of tools for detecting plagiarism: Grammarly, Plagium, Copionic, WriteCheck, PaperRater, Plagarisma.net, Viper, Plagarism… free access or licenced platforms that monitor originality and control plagiarism.

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The CILH manuscrit review system is the internationally standardized "double-blind" peer review system that guarantees the anonymity of the manuscripts, audited within the OJS 3.0 Open Source Platform, generating a minimum of three reports for each manuscript submitted to evaluation. The evaluation process is external and guarantees independence, objectivity and anonymity. 

In this second period CILH follows the mandatory compliance indicators, as well as most recomended compliance indicators, established by Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), responsible for the Evaluation of the Editorial and Science Quality of Spanish Scientific Journals to continue improving their visibility and impact.

The journal's boards are public and indicate the professional affiliation of its members, most of whom are external to the Fundación Universitaria Española, which is why it far exceeds the opening requirements for other institutions. Likewise, the instructions for submitting manuscripts to the journal meet all the requirements, as does its editorial process. The journal published the title, abstract and keywords in both Spanish and English. It complies with the established periodicity as it has been published continuously sice 1978 on a yearl basis. More than half of the reviewers of the published articles are external to the journal's councils and Fundación Universitaria Española; selected according to the topic of the text which they are asked to review due to their specialization. This guarantees the highest standards in the editorial process and in the quality of what is published. The Advisory Council of the second period of CILH is characterized by its internationalization, which confortably exceeds the minimum requirements. Much more than half of what is published by the journal corresponds to research articles and more than 80% of their authors are external of the FUE and the editorial team of thw journal. The open access and reuse policies are public and meet the most demanding requirements. Likewise, it complies with public ethical aspects and is a member of CrossRef, has a search engine and full access to its contents, in addition to linking to the historical archive of previous issues of the journal from the fist period, which are also open. All its authors are idntifies through ORCID and their articles have a unique and persistant identifier (DOI). In the Guidelines for Authors, authors are warned of the need to indicate the sources of financing of the published articles, as well as the reference data. Also, the ethical code of the journal, the composition of its editorial team and its collaborators take into account good practices in gender equality.                                 


C.I.L.H. maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all published works are unpublished, through the professional application CrossCheck, allowing to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts. This anti-plagiarism policy allows us to guarantee standards of originality in this journal with a great international impact, in order to guarantee the novel and impressive scientific production. Authors and reviewers also have a set of specific tools in the detection of plagiarism: Grammarly, Plagium, Copionic, WriteCheck, PaperRater, Plagarisma.net, Viper, Plagarism... free access or licensed platforms that monitor originality and control plagiarism

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