About the Journal


Founded in 1978 by Pedro Sainz Rodríguez (†) and Amancio Labandeira Fernández as a publication of the Seminario "Menéndez Pelayo" de Literatura of the Fundación Universitaria Española (FUE) publishing house (CIF: G-28433670), the Cuadernos para la Investigación de la Literatura Hispánica are published uninterruptedly on an annual basis. Exceptionally, the journal may publish two issues in the same year. Throughout its history, the CILH have hosted works of Spanish and Latin American literature. In this second period (from issue 46, year 2020), the journal intends to continue this trajectory, while placing itself in the main impact indexes. The academic and, at the same time, political aspect of Pedro Sainz Rodriguez (1897-1986), and the fact that he was a prominent member of Hispanic cultural life during the twentieth century, has left an important legacy in the archive of the FUE, where documents and letters that the journal has begun to publish are preserved. Likewise, the activities of the “Poetry classroom” and the Ménendez Pelayo Seminar guarantee a privileged environment for the debate around Hispanic literature that enrich the journal and keep alive the contact with researchers and authors. In addition, the journal receives articles for the monographic section, as well as for the miscellaneous one, sent by external researchers of Spanish and Latin American literature from different international institutions, according to the following structure:

  1. Monographic articles
  2. Miscellaneous articles
  3. FUE papers
  4. Rafael Morales Poetry Classroom
  5. Book reviews
  6. Menéndez Pelayo Seminar News

Open Access free of charge

Double blind peer review

No authors' fees



Fixed annual frequency since 1978

Code of ethics

Anti-plagiarism tool 

Digital identifiers 

Digital storage

Data warehouse 

Printed edition and online


The Editorial Board, in accordance with the confidential reports of external evaluators, will decide on the publication of the articles received, which must always be original and unpublished.

CILH is currently indexed in Scopus, DOAJ, ErihPlus, EBSCO,  Directory of Open Access Resources (ROAD) , OAJI Net, Periodical Index Online (PIO) , MLA (Modern Language Association Database) , Latindex , DICE, Dialnet , CARHUS Plus+ 2018 , Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico (REDIB ), RESH.  It is present in Dulcinea and Sherpa Romeo (green colour).  

It is present in Latindex 2.0, with 36 characteristics fulfilled out of 38.

Its Diffusion recognized in 2022 by MIAR stands out with: c0+m4+e2+x5

It is also present in collective catalogues like REBIUN (España), COPAC (UK), ZDB (Alemania) and WorldCat .

The journal is published in two versions: printed (ISSN: 0210-0061) and electronic (e-ISSN: 2660-647X) in Spanish.

Web hosting: http://www.fuesp.com/publicaciones_revistas_numeros.asp?cdrevista=2


CILH is an open space for scientific research related to Spanish and Hispanic-American literature, in any area and time period. CILH focuses on critical, theoretical, and historical analysis of Hispanic literature. Papers submitted to the journal may relate to the proposed theme for the monographic section, coordinated by experts, or may be varied contributions within the general theme of the publication for the miscellaneous section. Similarly, book reviews on topics related to the general theme may be submitted.

The Papeles de la Fundación, Aula de Poesía Rafael Morales, and Noticias del Seminario are sections not open to external contributions, in which unpublished documents preserved in the rich archive of Fundación Universitaria Española (FUE) and contributions originating from academic activities carried out at the FUE headquarters are published.



Authors should submit original works that include final research results and have not been published in any medium or be in the process of publication. It is the responsibility of the authors to comply with this rule.

Authors can submit manuscripts for evaluation in the Miscellaneous section without a predetermined date, although, for registration purposes, they will be considered received based on what is stipulated by OJS. The Monographic section announces the theme of the issue in the Announcements and closes before the publication of the journal, within the indicated deadline.