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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • The text is sent without the name or identification data of the author.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • In the event of the manuscript being the result of funded research, the reference data is indicated according to what is specified in the Guidelines.
  • The text complies with the a href="" target="_new">Author Guidelines/a that apear in About the journal.
  • Add an ORCID to your profile (in case you don't have it, it's free of charge and you only have to register here).

Author Guidelines

Cuadernos para la Investigación de la Literatura Hispánica (CILH) has been published regularly once a yesr since 1978, although it may exceptionally publish two numbers a year. The language of the magazine is Spanish. Articles in other languages ​​will be accepted with the approval of the Editorial Board. The articles must be original and unpublished and not be approved for publication in another journal. To ensure the highest quality of the journal, the articles are examined by the iThenticate anti-plagiarism tool. The author's personal data will not appear in the article or in the footnotes to ensure subsequent blind review. The system will ask for your identification data in "Step 3" of "Submission". CILH is open to publishing those scientific papers that undergo an initial review by the Editorial Board of the journal, which, if approved, will proceed to send them to the evaluators to carry out an external, blind and anonymous peer review. CILH will send the authors the editorial decision, which will state the acceptance or rejection of the submitted original, the reasons for said decision and, if any, the modifications suggested by the evaluators.

Author Guidelines 

1. The works will be sent through the OJS platform of the journal in computer support (Word). To do this you must register first.

2. When you go to upload your manuscript, we recommend that you take into account that, in "Step 3. Entering the submission metadata", you will be asked for your identification and some information about your text: click "Spanish" to enter them in that language and then "English", when you have to do it in this other language. It will ask you to enter your name, surname, email address, your affiliation, address of your institution, academic category and ORCID (if you do not have it, it is free and you just have to register at If the article is written by two or more collaborators, they must choose the order in which they want to do it and add their corresponding ORCID.

Then, you must enter the title of the article in Spanish and English and the two abstracts in Spanish and English of about 1,000 characters each. You will also be asked for the Pᴀʟᴀʙʀᴀs ᴄʟᴀᴠᴇ and Kᴇʏ ᴡᴏʀᴅs. They must be a maximum of five words that you will enter in the box by pressing "Enter" after each one (otherwise, the system would interpret them as one). Likewise, it will ask you for the bibliography of your article in the box that the system calls "Citations": simply copy the list of your manuscript in Word and make these small modifications: separate each reference with a blank line, so that each reference occupies a line, and remove italics or other styles (which are lost when text is pasted). In this box, each reference must have the name and surname of the author even if it is repeated (delete the em dash). Leave only the list of references, without the possible classifications that you may have made in the manuscript (for example, if you have distinguished between primary sources, secondary sources or files consulted). Also do not put HTML tags <br>, <br/>, <br />, <p>.

3. ARTICLES: may have a maximum length of 40,000 to 75,000 characters (spaces included), with 1,5 lines spacing, and reviews of 5,000 and 10,000 characters maximum (spaces included).

4. The document's margin layout will be the one that, by default, appears in the configuration of a Word document in Normal mode: 2.5 cm. in upper and lower margins; 3 cm on the right and left margins.

5. All contributions must conform to the following format: Garamond font size 12 will be used for normal text, size 11 for quotes of more than three lines and size 10 for footnotes. The text must be duly justified, including footnotes that, in any case, will be used to clarify or complement, never for bibliographic references. 

6. Heading: The title of the article will be centered and heading the work in capital letters and small caps, in Garamond 14 and without quotation marks. We remind you that you should not enter your name or data that can identify you here. After the title, you must enter the two summaries in Spanish and English of about 1,000 characters each, preceded by the word Rᴇsᴜᴍᴇɴ and Aʙsᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ, in small caps, followed by a colon. You will also be asked for the Pᴀʟᴀʙʀᴀs ᴄʟᴀᴠᴇ and Kᴇʏ ᴡᴏʀᴅs. They must be a maximum of five words separated by semicolons. In the event that the article is written by two or more collaborators, a footnote must specify the specific contribution of each of them. In order to maintain anonymity until the final acceptance of the manuscript, and after incorporating the possible suggestions of the evaluators, the names of the authors must be hidden in the submitted manuscript under one or more "X". These "X" will be replaced by the names of the authors in the final version. Likewise, also in this header and in a footnote next to the title, it must be indicated if the article is derived from a research project or funded stay, as well as the reference data with which to identify it.

7. The epigraphs of sections in which the article is organized will be in the same font size, in small caps and aligned on the right margin of the page. 

8. The quotation marks that will be used will be Spanish or Latin («...»). The English (“…”) are reserved for cases in which they must be used within the first quotation mark. In general, bold will be avoided in the text and capital letters will be replaced by small caps. When a phrase or word needs to be highlighted or is in a language other than Spanish, it will be placed in italics. 

9. Citation method: Bibliographical citations will follow the following criteria: a) When the reference is general, the author's surname(s) will be cited followed by the year, without a separating comma and between brackets, eg: «Valbuena Briones [1980] conjetura que una de estas comedias tempranas podría ser la obra titulada Origen, pérdida y restauración de la Virgen del Sagrario, de asunto devoto». b) When you want to state the number of pages, this will be indicated after the year and a colon without any abbreviation in front and between brackets, eg: Sobre los mecanismos de la comedia de capa y espada existen dos trabajos fundamentales: Serralta [1987: 22-53] y Arellano [1988: 34- 40]».

10. Verbatim quotations: When three or more lines of another text are transcribed, they will be reproduced in a separate paragraph with an indent of 0,5 cm, without quotation marks and without indenting the first line. They will be distinguished from the main body by the line spacing and smaller font size: a single space and Garamond 11. If a poem is cited, the stanza or stanzas will be transcribed with a larger paragraph indentation (3.5 cm), a single space and letter Garamond 11.

11. Layout of the Bibliography

11.1. It will be collected at the end of the article under the heading Bibliography (written in small caps and, like the rest of the headings, aligned on the right margin). It must be ordered alphabetically and Spanishized (so the place will be translated and it will be put in the spelling of our language; eg: León Tolstói). When several works by the same author appear cited, a chronological criterion will be followed; In the event that two or more studies appearing in the same year are cited by an author, a lowercase letter will be recorded after it.

11.2. Regarding the layout of each bibliographic entry, different cases are exemplified: individual book, journal article, collective book article, electronic periodicals and historical press:

a) Individual book: surnames in capitals and small caps, full name in normal letters, year of publication in parentheses, followed by the title in italics, plus the place and publisher, separated by commas; e.g.:

Mᴏʀᴏ́ɴ Aʀʀᴏʏᴏ, Ciriaco (1982): Calderón. Pensamiento y teatro, Santander, Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo.

b) Journal Article: surnames in small caps, full name in normal letters, year of publication in parentheses, followed by the title of the article in Latin or Spanish quotation marks (""), the name of the journal in italics, volume number , and pages, all separated by commas, except the pages, which will be preceded by a colon; eg: 

Sᴇʀʀᴀʟᴛᴀ, Fréderic (1998): «El tipo del "galán suelto": del enredo al figurón», Cuadernos de Teatro Clásico, I: 83-93.

c) Article in collective volume: surnames in capitals and small caps, and full name in normal letters, followed by the title of the article in quotation marks, year of publication in parentheses, the title of the volume in italics, followed by the abbreviation ed. plus the name and surnames of the editor or coordinator, volume title in italics, place, publisher, year, volume number -if applicable- and pages, all separated by commas; e.g.:

Wᴀʀᴅʀᴏᴘᴘᴇʀ, Bruce W. (1976): «El problema de la responsabilidad en la comedia de capa y espada de Calderón», en Calderón y la crítica, ed. M. Durán y R. González Echevarría (Madrid, Gredos), II, 714-722.

d) Articles in electronic periodicals: surnames in capitals and small caps, full name in normal letters, (year): «Title of the article», Name of the Journal, number or volume, pages that the article comprises within the journal, in if it is paginated. DOI or URL [Date consulted]

Oʟɪᴠᴀ, César (2020): «El abuelo de Galdós. Novela y drama», Don Galán. Revista de Investigación Teatral 10, 28-39. [12-2-2021]

e) Article in non-academic periodical publication or historical press: surnames in capitals and small caps, full name in normal letters, (year): «Title of the article», Name of the Newspaper, (day and month separated by hyphen and the day in number Arabic and the month in Roman numerals, in parentheses), page.

Aɴᴏ́ɴɪᴍᴏ (1936): «Otra admirable actuación de La Tarumba», ABC ­─Sevilla─, (22-IV), 20.

12. Sumbission of originals

The works will be sent and managed through the OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform, which will ask the authors for their contact information and institutional or professional affiliation. The authors, who will receive a copy of their work if it is accepted and published, are responsible for its content. The acceptance of an original for publication means that copyright rights, in any medium and by any support, are transferred to the editor of the journal.

13. Contact informationCuadernos para Investigación de la Literatura Hispánica has its headquarters at the Fundación Universitaria Española, c/ Alcalá, 93, 28009 Madrid (SPAIN). Phone: +34 91 431 11 93; e-mail:

Monographic section articles

The theme of the monographic section is set by the editors and is different in each issue, but always related to Hispanic literature. To check the theme and the dates for the next issue, go to ANNOUNCEMENTS. After the  topic of the monographic section is announced, all researchers are invited to participate. After the evaluation by the journal's Council, your work will be sent to specialists in the field so that they can issue the corresponding report.

The articles will have a length from 40,000 characters (including spaces) to 75,000 characters (including spaces).

Miscellaneous articles

All researchers are invited to participate in this section. The authors who intend to have their contributions published in the Miscellaneous section may submit thier papers at any time, since this section is open continuously. Your contribution must be adjusted to the field of interest of CILH: Hispanic literature. The articles will be preliminarily evaluated by the Editorial Board, before being sent for revision by specialists.

The articles will have a length from 40,000 characters (including spaces) to 75, 000 characters (including spaces).

Fundation papers

This section is fixed and is reserved for the study of the archives of Fundación Universitaria Española, so it is not open for researchers outside of it.

Rafael Morales Poetry

It collects the contributions related to poetry activities of Aula Rafael Morales at Fundación Universitaria Española.


We publish book reviews related to hispanic literature.

The length of reviews is from 5000 to 10,000 characters (including spaces).

Seminario Menéndez Pelayo News

Summary of the activities of Seminario Menéndez Pelayo of Fundación Universitaria Española carried out during the year.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.