
The journal began its second period in 2020, in which the most demanding criteria for the best positioning of the publication in the impact indexes are met.

The Miscellaneous section of the journal is permanently open for the reception of research articles related to Hispanic literature.

  • Monograph Issue 2023, n. 49 on female writing in exile


    The monographic section of issue 49, corresponding to the year 2023, is titled «Escribir. Resistir. Existir. La mujer y la palabra en el exilio», coordinated by Prof. Luca Cerullo of the University of Bari.

    Authors interested in publishing in it should send their work to, before proceeding to the anonymous peer review through this journal's platform.

    We propose a monograph issue on women and writing in exile, from the 19th century to the present day. Exile, a constant in human history, translates in literature into an overcoming of borders, whether they are material or symbolic. Literature, in general, raises a cry from its condition of marginalization and oblivion, and in which the exiled voice, doubly subaltern for also being female, as in the case of our monograph, is constantly subjugated. The female anonymity that connotes exile represents the main theme that will be developed to inquire about the absence or only partial recognition of important voices in the history of exiled women, and we hope to receive critical contributions aimed at broadening the range of readings and perspectives. We are undoubtedly faced with a large number of authors and intellectual women who lived in exile, and their lives and works are the subject of our study and rescue.

    Likewise, this monograph aims to explore the feminine dimension in relation to the Spanish diaspora: the 19th-century exile after key events such as the French Revolution, the Republican diaspora, the exile in Spain of authors and intellectuals from other countries, and also the contemporary era. Finally, we seek to promote the much-needed reflection on concepts such as internal exile, insilio, desexilio, and a long etcetera of terms that still need greater theoretical and conceptual depth, especially from a gender perspective and feminist literary criticism.

    Therefore, we suggest the following thematic lines:

    1. Exile and feminine identity

    2. Testimonies of exile (epistolary, diaries, correspondence, interviews, etc.)

    3. Exile and return, fictionalization and its literary representations.

    4. Spain as a land of exile. Exile, insilio, and internal exile.

    5. The exile of the word. Attitude towards the language (of origin and arrival)

    Manuscripts related to the monograph will be accepted until June 2, 2023.

    We also invite contributions to the Miscellaneous section of the journal, which is permanently open to receiving manuscripts and also subject to the double-blind process. CILH is also permanently open to receiving reviews of critical works on Hispanic literature.

    Read more about Monograph Issue 2023, n. 49 on female writing in exile